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Krista Kaminski

This makes me happy! In the midst of the world that we live in today, you don't have to look hard or far to see sparks of good; you just need to be hopeful and open to looking for them! And just like that...this article came along written by @Brandi Vincent about one of Dynamic's long time customers (also part of my dad's caregiver team) @theVeteransAdministration.

Let me set you up here...

  • Consider the size of just the VA's healthcare system - 170 medical centers/hospitals & more than 1,200 outpatient facilities

  • Serving 20 million veterans

  • 400,000 employees

The VA was already shifting to a remote workforce to support the needs of the veterans they serve. Deputy CIO Dominic Cussatt revealed, "In the course of early COVID-19 remediation, the agency had to quickly send employees the equipment necessary for remote work and visits with veterans. To that end, VA has shipped out more than 16,000 laptops and 7,500 iPhones to those in need, and also onboarded 15,000 new hires in the Veterans Health Administration to provide increased critical care amid the pandemic."

"January saw on average about 2,000 visits per day via VA Video Connect, which spiked to more than 25,000 daily visits in May."

The rest is up to you to read if you wish (right here) but all I have to say is Wow, just wow! Way to go @VA!

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